Making Of Bellini Baby Bath Sea Sponge

Bellini® natural bath sponges from the Mediterranean Sea

Sea sponges are perfect for body care - especially for bath & cleaning of all ages from newborn, kids, teens, adults. 

Background info of Bellini® Baby Bath Sponge

Natural sea sponge come in irregular shapes, forms and colours. After processing and bleaching, you will find them in different shades of yellow - from pale to dark; sometimes almost orange.

It is normal to find some small sea-weeds, osculum (larger pores) and imperfections which are signs of authenticity of the natural sponges.

A processed organic sea sponge must be free of foreign elements such as pieces of sand, shells etc. However, some small traces of sea-weeds are allowed.

Bleaching for the "nice & hygienic" colour

Bellini® bath sponge have been around since 1949. With more than half a decade of experience plus valuable feedback from customers - Bellini® learnt that yellow was the preferred colour as it is considered "nice & hygienic" visually.

Therefore bleaching was required to achieve the "nice & hygienic" yellow colour. 

Bleaching does not change the sponge feature - just the colour only.

Does Bellini® Bath Sponge have any smell?

The finished product is rinsed many times to ensure it is cleanodourless plus remain pure and natural at the same time.

Being Environmental Friendly

Fishing of Sea sponges from the seabed

Bellini Sea Sponge are fished in a responsible and ecological method

Unlike commercial fishing which uses machinery and dragnets, Bellini® Sea Sponges are fished by diving, picking up individual pieces by hand. This ensure the seabed is not damaged from forced pulling and dragging by dragnets & machinery.

Only sponges above certain sizes are collected. Smaller sponges are left to grow and repopulate future colonies.

When the sea sponges are fished out, divers have to immediately tread on the sponges with their feet to remove unwanted residues (black skin etc) and accumulated liquid in the sponge.

Once the residues and liquid are cleared, the sponges will be dried under the sun before processing.

Processing sea sponges with the next generation in mind

Processing of Bellini Sea Sponges

Bellini® baby bath sponge is not mass-produced - every piece is handcrafted the old fashion way to ensure every single sea sponge is properly cleaned.

There are no mechanic tools used in the production process as nothing is as sensitive as a human touch to ensure the sea sponges are soft and comfortable on our baby's skin during bath time.

The natural sea sponges (raw material) goes through several important stages during processing to become the soft & hygienic bath sponge for infants, toddlers and kids.

In the laboratory, raw sea sponges go through multiple wash & rinse, whirling, spin-drying, trim & cut, cleaning & removing impurities, bleaching (where necessary), drying on a specialized rack, classifying by size before packing into their individual packaging.

Some process steps are repeated a few times in order to pass the several requirements & controls between each stage.

Why use Bellini® Baby Bath Sponge

  • 3 sizes for different body size
  • Foam easily with a squeeze
  • Dry easily after using (no sun required)
  • 100% biodegradable
  • 100% natural, extremely absorbent and extremely soft on the skin
  • Sea sponges are known for it's long endurance
  • Hygienic - when properly rinse, it cleans itself thanks to its natural honeycomb channels
  • Hypoallergenic -  Dermatological tested & certified at the Institute of Dermatology of the University of Siena
  • Doesn't retain foam, soap & bacteria like synthetic sponges
  • Ecological - No pollution & no emission during processing unlike synthetic sponges which are petroleum derivatives that adversely affects the environment
  • Handcrafted & Manufactured in Italy